Survey released by ACRE 13th ~Oct 2020
Survey released by ACRE 13th ~Oct 2020
PRESS RELEASE - Extent of rural economic and social benefits from village and community halls revealed
From the Public Affairs and Communications, ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England - the voice for our 38 member organisations who make up the country’s largest rural network. Together, we reach 52,000 grassroots organisations in 11,000 rural communities.)
Village and community halls in England offer extensive economic and social benefits to rural communities, a report from ACRE has revealed.
Just before lockdown 2,109 halls took part in the National Village Halls Survey 2020 which provides a detailed snapshot of the operations and management of community buildings across the country.
The survey found that village halls make a significant contribution to the economy.
At least 10,000 individuals earn a living connected to the use of these community buildings, from Pilates and Yoga teachers to people running dog training classes. A further 4,500 people are employed as cleaners, caretakers and managers....
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