Visual Guide to Reopening Village Halls
Visual Guide to Reopening Village Halls during Covid-19
Visual Guide to Reopening Village HallsPublished by IF_DO in partnership with Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) and Clarion Futures.
A new, visual reference guide to help those reopening community centres, including village halls, has been published by IF_DO in partnership with Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) and Clarion Futures.
This document provides some very helpful information for Village Halls and Community Centres in respect of Covid-19 for when you choose to reopen your Hall. Please ensure you read this in conjunction with the Government Guidelines, being aware that the Government Guidelines take absolute precedence at all times.
Health and Safety Executive COVID-19 Information/Updates
For all clients insured through Allied Westminster’s VillageGuard policy, we are very pleased to be able to assure you that your Insurer does not require that the hall is reopened by the 1st September 2020, and that if it is unoccupied after this date a special Covid-19 unoccupancy condition will apply. Please watch out for the email updates/notifications we have been sending out to clients.
If you are insured through us and have not already done so, please contact us to confirm whether the hall will reopen before the 1st September.