Hallmaster Discount for Allied Westminster Clients
Hallmaster Discount for Allied Westminster Clients
Discount for Allied Westminster Village Hall clients using the Hallmaster Online Booking and Invoicing System
It is no easy task for Village Halls to generate an income, and the vast majority are run by very dedicated and hard-working Volunteers in their spare time. Under normal circumstances, managing Bookings and Invoices can be time consuming and at times stressful. However, the unfortunate events of 2020 have resulted on many extra unwelcome burdens on Trustees and Committee members to compliantly manage their Halls.
With the Hallmaster Online Booking and Invoicing System, you can address these issues centrally as Hallmaster enables Trustees and Committee Members to come together in one simple booking and invoicing payment tracking system.
We are pleased to to say that Allied Westminster clients qualify for a discount off the annual license fee - Simply quote your Policy Reference number to Hallmaster
Here are some of the key features and benefits:
· Helps maximize the letting potential of your Village Hall or rooms
· Gives visibility to your Village Hall 24 hours a day for just £2.64 per week!
· Manage Bookings & Issue Invoices, avoid double bookings
· Customer Management
· Multi-User Management
· Run Booking and Invoice Reports
· Promote your Hall and Events
· Online 24/7 with daily backups
· GDPR Compliant
For more information about Hallmaster and how you can benefit please click here (www.hallmaster.co.uk) or watch our 90 second demo video here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgdhW1tprtE)