The map below shows a snapshot of our Village Hall Insurance clients and the number is growing. VillageGuard is now the UK's most popular insurance policy for Village Halls!
If your Village Hall insurance policy is due for renewal, or if you would just like to check whether we can offer you lower premiums, then please contact us.
Join the thousands of Village Halls that are with Allied Westminster. To understand why renewal rates are over 95% with VillageGuard, CLICK HERE TO VIEW A SAMPLE OF OUR CLIENT FEEDBACK AND TESTIMONIALS.
You can ask for a quote via our online form, or download a PDF form for emailing or posting back to us. NB. Make sure you save the file to your computer BEFORE you complete it, otherwise your data may be lost. Open, complete and save the file in Adobe Acrobat for best results.
Alternatively, contact us directly by email or telephone.
We look forward to speaking with you.