Results for Community Building Valuation Report
Turning a Village Hall loss into a BIG WIN
Rental income stopped for the Village Hall - surviving then creating a solutionCategory: news
Buildings Valuation for Village Halls
VillageGuard Village Hall Insurance – Protecting Halls and Trustees100 Years of Village Halls
A Celebration of One Hundred Years of Village Halls, by Jen Hazelton, Allied Westminster. Jan 2021Celebrating 100 Years Together: Village Halls Week 2021
Village Halls Week is a national celebration of the 10,000+ village halls which can be found across England, their volunteers and the difference they make to the rural communities ...Category: news
Update from Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE)Category: news
Survey released by ACRE 13th ~Oct 2020
PRESS RELEASE - Extent of rural economic and social benefits from village and community halls revealedCategory: news
COVID-19 Update 13th July 2020
COVID-19 related reference sources for Village Halls and information for our VillageGuard policyholders. This update is the same as was released on the 8th of July, but also has gu...Category: news
Valuation Report Solves Problem For Trustees
Allied Westminster has teamed up with a RICS surveyor to bring a new solution to the old problem of under-insured Village Halls and vulnerable Trustees!Category: news
Rebuild valuation BS66943
We are happy to accept the new build costs that you have suggested, the assessment makes very interesting reading and we are glad that you have offered this service. ...Rule of 6 introduced in September 2020:
Covid-19 information for Village & Community Halls, 11th September 2020Category: news