Valuation Report Solves Problem For Trustees
Valuation Report Solves Problem For TrusteesAllied Westminster has teamed up with a RICS surveyor to bring a new solution to the old problem of under-insured Village Halls and vulnerable Trustees!
At present, if Halls are under-insured then not only does it create problems at time of claim, but Village Hall Trustees can become personally liable for the uninsured losses. This problem can be avoided altogether if the Hall is insured for the correct sum, but Trustees are often unable to spend £500-£800 for a full onsite valuation so they can set their sums insured correctly.
Allied Westminster has been tackling this problem for some years and has just launched its new initiative – The Property Rebuild Assessment Report scheme. Under this, Halls can now receive a highly detailed valuation report showing appropriate sums for all assets – main building, outbuildings, tennis courts, car parks, walls, etc – allowing them to set sums insured with great precision.
The report is simple to request and quick to arrive. Better yet, it’s completely FREE to VillageGuard® clients. It’s even subsidised for Halls that aren’t clients of VillageGuard, because Allied Westminster has a strong commitment to eradicating this problem for all Village Halls across the country.