Results for Village Hall Charity Insurance
Client Feedback
The map below shows a snapshot of our Village Hall Insurance clients and the number is growing. VillageGuard is now the UK's most popular insurance policy for Village Halls!THE VILLAGE HALLS PODCAST
The Village Halls Podcast - the listening community of village halls across the UK.Get a Quote for VillageGuard
VillageGuard is now the UK's most popular insurance policy for Village Halls, a bespoke and product, exclusively available from Allied Westminster.Buildings Valuation for Village Halls
VillageGuard Village Hall Insurance – Protecting Halls and TrusteesAbout
We have been a pioneer in product development for the insurance industry for over thirty years.Proud to be sponsoring Plunkett
Proud to be sponsoring PlunkettCategory: news
Absolutely brilliant BS73452
I approached Allied Westminster Insurance Services after becoming increasingly frustrated with my previous insurer's complex requirements regarding our key safe installation. Fro...COVID-19 Information
Important information and recommendations during current crisis for VillageGuard (Village Hall insurance) clients.Category: news
VillageGuard®: the UK's most popular Village Hall policy!
PRESS RELEASE: Good news for 2019! VillageGuard® is now the insurance policy chosen by more village halls than any other in Britain!Category: news
Allied Westminster Opens New Branch in Stirling, Scotland
The opening of Allied Westminster's new branch in Stirling was welcomed by local MP Alyn Smith.Category: news